Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jane appears on Facebook

So, I did it. I put my face in facebook. And I even found a friend. I uploaded my picture, I updated my profile, and I started a photo album. Thing is, not too many people I know do this stuff, so I'm kind of out there on my own. If I could get my 70 year old dad, or my 5 year old niece to get on board... now maybe that would be fun. The folks I want to keep in touch with don't really do this stuff. Anyway, like I said, I did find one friend... Debbie Adriance and I chatted for a while last week, and it's cool -- she uploaded a youtube video to her site, and I received a notification on my homepage when she did. Pretty neat.

I checked out the marketplace too... found a nice mountain bike. Thought about selling my spoon collection...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Flickr and Photo Sharing

on the peninsula
Originally uploaded by miss jane tabby

Here's a little photo of me that was taken on a trip to the Seven Lakes Basin on the Olympic Peninsula. What a great place! I caught my first trout on a fly during this trip. Maybe next time I'll post the picture of me with that tiny fish -- I look a lot like gollum in it.

I added a few tags to this picture as well: Jane, Lien, Olympic, Penninsula, Backpacking. Then I searched for my photo via "tag only" and... voila! I am available for all to locate and adore!

I have actually been using flickr for a while, but this assignment forced me to be a little more diligent about labelling and tagging.

And I'm back on my theme -- this post actually has something to do with one of my uphill/downhill pursuits!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Streaming Music

So... I tried out Pandora. Pretty cool. I created radio stations based on artists I like, and rated songs as well. I wonder -- does this mean that the radio station will never again play me the songs I don't like?

I was also able to retrieve information regarding bands I like, and had I been into it, I could have done a little social networking as well.

This is definitely something that I'd like to use personally - a great way to access music that suits me!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Instant messaging and rss feeds have nothing to do with running!

But I made this blog to track my progress with web 2.0 tools, so, there it is.

I spent a lovely 15 minutes IMing my colleagues at the Stanwood branch last week. We had a group chat, and successfully made all the other folks in the office jealous that we were having such a good time!

I have several means of tracking my rss feeds... I suppose I should have just one, but when there are so many options, why limit yourself? I use Bloglines, but I just started getting my feeds on my iGoogle desktop. I also get some feeds in my personal Outlook mailbox. Google is my favorite, since I am almost always logged on to my google account.

Thwarted by Biology

It's a bummer. My knees have been bad. They hurt when I'm just standing around. So, running is going to have to take a back seat to biking... which will be hard, considering that I don't yet have a bike. I guess I'll do pilates, and the photos from that aren't very interesting.