Monday, July 14, 2008

Maps and Geotagging

Google Earth is amazing. There is so much information here. Beyond the outrageous coolness of being able to zoom in on a sattelite photo from out in space to your backyard, you can also discover any number of useful things. For example, you can turn on the traffic layer to see red, green, or yellow dots to indicate the flow of traffic on a given road. Click on one of the dots and you get the actual speed of the traffic at that location! Or turn on the "Places of Interest" layer and get tons of icons placed all over the map indicating such things as bed and breakfasts, schools, stores, and national forests. Or -- my personal favorite -- explore "Trimble Outdoor Trips" under "Gallery," and find hikes and other outdoor adventures. What's great about all this is that you can hover the cursor over an icon, see what it is, and if you want to know more, click away!

And, like google maps, you can use it to get directions to your girl scout meeting in darrington. Wooo hooo!

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