Monday, March 24, 2008

Larabee State Park

It snowed in Bellingham last night. I ran up to Fragrance Lake in Larabee State Park this morning, and when I got to about 500 ft, there was snow on the trees. Nice run, though not as nice in the morning as it is in the late afternoon or evening. The sun hits the west slopes in the afternoon. Last week, I saw a pileated woodpecker on my morning run up this route. What an amazing bird! They're so big, and so striking! He let me hang out and watch him hammer on an old dead tree... I wasn't more than 20 feet away. I followed the re-discovery of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker a couple years back, and even though this wasn't one of those (seeing as how they only live in the swamps of the southern U.S.) it was evocative of some of the old films of these birds. Really quite beautiful.

I'm buying a digital camera tomorrow (my old one broke!) so I can start posting photos.

Total Run Time: 1 hour
Total Distance: about 4 miles (2 fiercely fighting gravity and 2 controlling the freefall)
Oohs and aahs: 1 for the Sun sparkling on Bellingham Bay off Chuckanut Drive, and 1 for the snow on the cedars and ferns.

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