Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wiki Wiki Fun

Wikis are COOL! Seriously. For the amateur organizer of the things, things, and more things that make up the details of daily life, this is an awesome tool! I think my next project is going to be making a wiki for myself to answer all the questions I have to ask my co-workers every day at work, and can never remember the answers to. It's going to be called "Jane's List of (annoying) Questions," complete with a database of things I can never remember how to do and links to the relevant Sno-Isle intranet pages that explain the procedures in question. If I were a really ambitious wiki-er, I'd invite my co-workers to answer my questions on my wiki, but they're usually pretty busy, and when I have a question, I usually need their answer right away. Asking them to enter the information in my wiki might be going a little too far. No more treats for me at break time!

I think this tool might also be useful for community libraries to compile local information, such as clubs and organizations, or perhaps local historical information that isn't covered in the collection.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Here's a video I found on YouTube about Web 2.0, called "The Machine is Us/ing Us." I actually included a link to this video in my presentation that I gave at my interview for my PSA II position at SnoIsle. The presentation was, incidentally, about Web 2.0. Go figure. I guess I was a little ahead of the curve; I did most of the things on the "SnoIlse 20 for 2.0" list while preparing my presentation!